Friday, September 16, 2011

Lesson 4: PowerPoints

My PowerPoint was created for a beginning band class. It was about the different instrument families and what makes them different. The PowerPoint then described each instrument. For every instrument, there was a video example to show the students what the instrument looks like, how it is played, and what it sounds like. It was presented to beginning band students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade.
The most exciting part of the presentation was selecting songs to go with each of the instruments being demonstrated. Since this was many of the students’ first time being introduced to some of the instruments, I wanted the examples to be fun and relatable to them. I chose many examples from popular music, such as a saxophone player that covered Beyonce’s Halo. More fun examples include Greg Pattillo performing the Mario theme on flute and a Lady Gaga cover by a group of bassoonist.
Some of these were chosen for more than just the “relatable” factor. For example, I wanted to show a male playing flute on the PowerPoint so that it would help break the stereotype that “only girls play flute.”
As for the layout of the PowerPoint, I am a firm believer that less is more. There were pictures of each instrument and bullet points for the main points, such as instrument family, material it was made of, and how it is played. I think that PowerPoints should not be able to be viewed without the speaker present, that is, it should not have all the words you say on it. It should just be visual reinforcement of what you are presenting.
Overall, the presentation was very well accepted by the students in the class. They seemed to enjoy it, and had a great time hearing the songs they knew from the radio on the band instruments.
Something I would have done differently is selecting a song that is more like what they will actually play. While they enjoyed the Mario theme, it included beat boxing, which will NOT be happening in the band. Now they are all concerned with how to play the “cool” music and not beginning band literature.
            Before the PowerPoint is presented again, it will have to be edited to be more in line with what they might realistically play. I will still try and find interesting and fun materials, but more in line with typical band literature.

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